Tag Archives: Prefabrication

Valuable Collaboration Between Industry and Academia

"If all these stakeholders work together in a collaborative ecosystem,

New and Multi-Disciplinary Specialisations in IC

The key issue is a lack of a formal career path in IC. Construction is [...]

New Exciting Industrialised Construction Related Roles

BIM, Apps, Design Automation, Materials Science, Robitics, AI, VR

New Teams Within Industrialised Construction (IC)

The future of work in Construction. Integrated design team, Manufacturing team, Supply chain team, Data [...]

The Exciting Future of Industrialised Construction (IC) – Teams, Roles and Skills

Future IC Teams, Roles and Skills: construction companies are creating

Positive Key Findings and Insights for Future Industrialised Construction

Industrialised Construction (IC) is a chance to bring a positive shift

Why Is Construction Sector Looking To Industrialization?

By 2030 there will be up to 200 million construction jobs world wide.

Innovative Megatrends in Construction – Industrialization

The future of work with Industrialised Construction.

Construction Must Change to New Innovative Technology

Off-site fabrication, additive manufacturing, robotics,