Tag Archives: NEC

Project Management Moves into an Exciting Collaborative Future

Mile Sofijanic, MD, ECS Associates As we enter the final quarter of 2023, I am [...]

ECS Projects Around the World

CÔTE D’IVOIRE ECS has deployed highly experienced technical and project management resources to Abidjan. We’ll [...]

Construction Contracts – Golden History of NEC

NEC was first published as a new and innovative way of managing construction contracts in [...]

NEC4 Contract – The New Generation Contract

Continuous improvement in project delivery in South Africa is required to build confidence in the [...]

NEC In Africa Is Proudly Showcased

For the past three years ECS Associates, a NEC contract provider, has been working in [...]

In Memoriam: Dr Martin Barnes, the NEC Originator

We are saddened by the news that Dr Martin Barnes, CBE has passed away. Dr [...]

Engineering and Construction Contract ECC – Possibly One of the Top

Engineering and Construction Contract ECC is designed to encourage collaboration

NEC Contract: Solution for Every Known Difficulty of Traditional Contracts

Look at NEC Contract for a bundle of contracts for Engineering and Construction Projects History [...]

COVID-19 and Construction – Response to the Devistation

We are, world over, in the midst of a massive change with the construction industry [...]

NEC in South Africa and Covid-19’s Harmful Ramifications

At times like these, affected organisations look to their contracts of supply for what happens [...]

NEC Training In South Africa and the Importance of Getting The Scope Right

Assumption is made that many of the core clauses in NEC contracts have been dealt [...]

Procurement Practices Solutions Reliably Delivered By ECS Associates

We are proud to have both Andrew Baird on our executive team. Andrew formed part [...]

Vital Procurement Processes in a Collaborative Framework

Collaborative procurement processes are recommended by the The UK Government Construction Strategy Committee. They recommend [...]

Construction Costs Favourably Reduced Through Design Partnering

The potential for construction costs savings in both time and cost through design partnering is [...]

Master Contract Strategy and Documentation to Prevent Project Chaos

The project is executed through a contractual framework. No matter how good the other practices [...]

The Challenge to Change Client Culture in Construction

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” Albert [...]

Clients in the Construction Industry Are Misinformed

Many Clients in the construction industry are either ill-advised, think they know the answers, or [...]

Client Behaviour in the Construction Industry

As with any transaction, there is generally a process of negotiation and ultimately a meeting [...]

Successful Collaborative Contracting Using the Expert NEC

Current practices are ‘ineffective’, ‘adversarial’, ‘fragmented’ and ‘incapable of delivering to Clients’, proposing that there [...]

Formal Partnership with SAICE – NEC Accredited Project Management Course

The NEC Project Management Accredited Programme throughout Sub-Saharan Africa is to be delivered by ECS [...]

Aecom training on the NEC Suite of Contracts

ECS Associates (Pty) Ltd recently provided training to Aecom on the NEC suite of contracts, [...]

Acclaimed NEC3 ECC Project Manager Course in South Africa

ECS Associates recently won the privilege to deliver Accredited NEC3 ECC Project Manager course in [...]