Benefits of Contract Advisory Services From Inception

contract advisory services

Project outcomes can be positively influenced by timely specialist Contract Advisory Services. Our specialist contract advisors provide the best practical advice possible. Key services include contractual advice, development of procurement and contract strategies, procurement support, assurance to best practice, project implementation and recovery, claims management, adjudication, arbitration, dispute management, dispute avoidance and resolution and expert witness services. 

Early involvement allows us to have greatest impact in terms of positive influence on issues and enhances the opportunities for dispute avoidance and resolution and where possible claim settlement.

ECS operates across all industry sectors. Our teams provide you with independent, reliable, best practice advice to assist you in understanding the issues facing your projects and business. Our service is client focused and built upon a theoretical and practical understanding and knowledge of the environments in which you operate.

Our offering

·        Strategy Optimisation – we provide confidence through the delivery of a focused, robust and collaborative strategy

·        A risk-based approach – we focus on a managed risk objective

·        Key resources at key times – by giving our clients access to both construction law specialists and project professionals, we ensure that project delivery is maintained

·        Cost-effective advice aligned to best practice

·        Best in class forensic planning services

·        Quantum analysis expertise

·        Technical expert reports

·        A balanced view of risk

·        Supporting projects through deployment of technical staff and project teams

·        Speed of resolution influenced by our expert teams

Our consultants are experts in their chosen fields, arbitrators, adjudicators and quantum, technical and delay analysis experts.

Our clients include employers/purchasers, funders/lenders, insurers, contractors, subcontractors/works contractors and in-house/client appointed specialists.

Our experience ranges from small works packages, large industrial refurbishment projects and disputed accounts, to multibillion rand mega-projects, adjudications and international disputes.

Contract Advisory Services in summary:


·        Procurement

·        Drafting

·        Review

·        Standing review

·        Advice

·        Audit

·        Training

Claims and disputes

  • Review and strategic advice
  • Management and resolution
  • Forensic research
  • Negotiation
  • Mediation, adjudication and arbitration
  • Litigation
  • Expert witness